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Thursday, February 7, 2013

How to tune MySQL’s sort_buffer_size at Xaprb

How to tune MySQL’s sort_buffer_size at Xaprb:

I perpetually see something like the following:
My server load is high and my queries are slow and my server crashes. Can you help me tune my server? Here is some information.
[random sample of SHOW GLOBAL STATUS, like the query cache counters]
query_cache_size= 64M
max_connections = 256
key_buffer = 8M
sort_buffer_size = 100M
read_buffer_size = 8M
delay_key_write = ALL
There are many problems in this my.cnf file, but the sort_buffer_size is a glaring one that identifies the user as someone who should not be playing with live ammunition. Therefore, I have developed an advanced process for tuning sort_buffer_size, which you can follow to get amazing performance improvements. It’s magical.
  1. How expert are you?
    • I know that there is a sort buffer, and that it is related to sort_merge_passes. When sort_merge_passes is high, I have been told to increase the sort_buffer_size. I also know that it is somehow related to the number of sorts the server does, so when there are a lot of sorts shown in variables like Sort_rows and Sort_scan, I think I should also increase it. You are a beginner.
    • I have been administering MySQL for many years. I know that there are two sort algorithms inside MySQL. I know exactly how to optimize the key cache hit ratioYou are a novice.
    • I have read every blog post Peter Zaitsev ever wrote, and I can improve on them all. You are an expert.
  2. Based on your score on the scale above, find your optimal sort_buffer_size tuning algorithm below:
    • Beginners and novices should leave this setting at its default, and comment it out of the configuration file.
    • Experts don’t need me to tell them what to do, but most of them will leave this setting at its default, and comment it out of the configuration file.
The most amazing thing about sort_buffer_size is how many people utterly ruin their server performance and stability with it, but insist that they know it’s vital to change it instead of leaving at its default. I do not know why this is always the case. Why don’t people choose random variables to destroy their performance? It’s not as though there is a shortage to choose from. Why does everyone always pick sort_buffer_size instead of something else? It’s like a flame drawing the moths in.
Feel free to ask questions if anything is unclear, but be prepared for a direct answer if you ask for tuning advice.
PS: I considered a simpler tuning guide, such as Domas’s guide to tuning the query cache, but I am convinced that people need more a complex guide for the sort_buffer_size, or they will not believe in the validity of the instructions. I base this on multiple experiences being paid a lot of money to suggest not setting sort_buffer_size to 256M, and being told that I must be an idiot.

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