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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

For Great Leadership, Clear Your Head

For Great Leadership, Clear Your Head:

Getting stuff done is overrated. Knowing where you are going and how to get there — strategy — is everything. But many managers still spend too much time doing and not enough time thinking. Your first challenge is learning how to stop the action.

But focusing and thinking about the big picture are not as simple as blocking out time and turning off your devices. It is about managing your attention, or what I call "mindshifting."

I once coached an executive who was a high potential on the fast track, with tremendous charisma, drive, and analytical skills. And although Deirdre was great at executing, she struggled when she took on responsibility for the direction of her business, often scattered and stressed by the amount of work. To break her transactional habit, I suggested the following five rules.

Remove the obstacles. For Deirdre (and many other managers), her biggest obstacle was trying to do it all herself. Not only did she learn to say "no" to administrative tasks and unnecessary meetings, but she also started asking for help from her team when she needed it. She came to find that in order to trust and delegate, she needed to build a stronger team, which became her big-picture, more strategic priority. By freeing herself from the allure of details, she was able to start zooming out — that is, looking up ahead and out wide at her team's strategy.

Quiet the noise. When Deirdre began to carve out quiet time, her focus became clearer. Mindful breathing helped her quiet internal distractions: Each morning she would sit for five minutes, with the intent of focusing on her breathing. Whenever her mind would start to wander, she would gently bring her attention back to her flow of breath. With practice, her present-focused mindfulness improved. Mindfulness helps leaders to solve problems more creatively and learn more quickly and flexibly (see Ellen Langer's research at Harvard). Mindfulness also helps you tolerate anxiety and discomfort, which helped Deirdre listen more actively and take personal risks. She began to read more broadly and expose herself by attending conferences and networking.

Percolate. Think of the last time you had a great idea. Did it come when you were under pressure? More likely it came when you gave it time to gel. Deirdre began journaling and reflecting on her ideas over the next couple of months. And when she realized that reflection — while essential — could be potentially self-deceptive, she engaged a diverse group of senior mentors, peers, and directs to help develop her ideas.

Clarify your message. Half the battle with strategic thinking is conveying your vision — where you want to take your business — and conveying it clearly. It doesn't have to be grand, just compelling enough to align your team's energy and attention. Deirdre practiced communicating her vision with her colleagues and mentors. She asked for lots of feedback, and clarified her message based on what people heard.

Keep reflecting and adjusting. Besides being clear, a strategy must be effective. If your strategy is off the mark, don't be afraid to change course. Deirdre reframed failure as an opportunity to learn. She made it a habit to regularly reflect on the available data to see whether her strategy was still working. Over time she zeroed in, and her adjustments became finer.

Staying focused on the big picture in your business is no easy task, but increased mindfulness and reflection can help you to convey and execute your leadership strategy. Of course, some or all of these tips may not work for everyone. Find what works, and then keep polishing it.

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