Are you getting too much business to handle yourself? Here's how to find a salesperson that'll support your growing startup.
The majority of small businesses fail in their first five years, not because of the product or service, not because of poor accounting practices, but from lack of sales. So, your business is growing and it's time for you to have someone else wear a few of those many hats you donned when you began; you've decided to hire someone else to handle sales. How and where do you find a good salesperson? After all, as a small-business owner or startup, you can't risk putting a dent in your reputation with a poor salesperson.
I strongly suggest you start where you shop. Start paying attention to the good salespeople you encounter when you're the consumer. What is it they're doing that makes you feel good about working with them? Learning to recognize good salespeople is the most important first step.
When you find someone who's especially good, compliment them. You might say, "You know, you have a really nice way with people." Salespeople love to be recognized.
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